Lyrics CD Pachamama

"Ein Mantra ist wie ein Samen, der tief in dein Sein eindringt, sodass er seine Wurzeln zu den Quellen deines Lebens und schließlich zum universellen Leben ausstrecken kann. Dann werden seine Zweige und Blätter hoch hinauf in den Himmel reichen, und wenn der richtige Moment da ist, wenn der Frühling da ist, wird er von abertausenden Blüten erfüllt sein." Osho

Mantrasongs mit Akkorden

I Love You So


You are my mother, you are my father

                      G                                a             

you are my lover and my best friend


you're the beginning, you are the center

                         G                      a                                                          

and you are far beyond the end


        a                 G                e                     a  

And I love you so, cause you help me see

                        G             e                  a

to see you in all is to see you in me


           G                             e              a                  

Cause I'm in you and you're in me



You are the colors of the rainbow

                       G                                 a             

you are the pure white light in me


you are the mountain, you are the river                                    

                          G                          a

you are the sky you are the sea


        a                 G                e                     a  

And I love you so, cause you help me see

                        G             e                  a

to see you in all is to see you in me


           G                             e              a                  

Cause I 'm in you and you're in me



I want to feel you, I want to touch you

                   G                          a             

I want to be right by your side


I want to know you and to love you

              G                             a                                      

and to serve you all the time


        a                 G                e                     a  

And I love you so, cause you help me see

                        G             e                  a

to see you in all is to see you in me


           G                             e              a                  

Cause I'm in you and you're in me


                        a             G

I want to be free, so free
                D                       a

like the flower and the bee

Like the bird up in the tree

                D                       a

like the dolphin in the sea


I want to fly high, so high
             D                      a

like an eagle in the sky

             F                            G

and when my time has come
                   D                    a

I’m gonna rise up and fly


              A                              e

Pachamama, I'm coming home
              D                          a

to the place where I belong


                        a             G

I wanna be free, be me,
               D                   a

like the being that I see


Not to rise and not to fall

           D                         a

Being one and loving all


There’s no high, there’s no low

               D                             a

There’s no place I should go

                 F                   G

except inside a little star

              D                   a

telling me be as you are


              A                              e

Pachamama, I'm coming home
            D                             a

to the place where I belong

Spread Your Wings

(Deva Burgdorf)

                a           C           G

Be the Wisdom of the Serpent

   C     G             a

Run with the Jaguar


  a     C      G

Be Eternity

   C         G       a

Fly on Eaglewings


                       a              C            G

Grow your Roots to mother earth

                          C            G            a

Spread your Wings to father sky

Liedertexte mit Akkorden

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Mother I Feel You

a                              G                  a

Mother I feel you under my feet

a                                 G        F

Mother I feel your heart beat

a                                    G                 a

Hejo  hejo hejo hejo hejo hejo Ho

  a                        G        F


Hejo Hejo Hejo HeJohooooo

Kommen und gehen

(Deva Burgdorf)

                a                  C                   C        G    

Wir schwingen und singen mit Vater Himmel

                a                  C            G              a

Wir schwingen und singen mit dem Wind


a                  C                   C                  G    

Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum

a                  C                     G                         a    

Om Mani Padme Hum, Padme Padme Hum


          d                      a                   C        G

Wir kommen und gehen von Mutter Erde

          d                      a                  G               a

Wir kommen und gehen von Mutter Natur


d                  a                    C                 G

Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum

d                  a                     G           a


Om Mani Padme Hum, Padme Padme Hum

Hineh Ma Tov


    a                        d      a    

Hineh ma tov uma na'im

    G                             a

Shevet achim gam yachad

    a         d  a    

Hineh ma tov

    G                             a

Shevet achim gam yachad

Fly Like An Eagle


Fly like an eagle


fly so high


circling the universe


on wings of pure light



Hey witchi taitai


Witchi Taihaio


Hey witchi taitai


Witchi Taihaio

Step Into The Flow


(Kapo V)

   a                                        C

I step into the flow and then I let it go

  G                                   a

I open my heart, my body, my soul


a                   G       a

I surrender, I surrender, I surrender

  G                                   a

I open my heart, my body, my soul

  G                                   a

I open my heart, my body, my soul